Grant Application Resources - Richland County Foundation

Grant & Non-Profit Resources

Grant Writing Workshops
Our grant writing workshops are designed to assist and inform Richland County non-profit organizations about the grant opportunities available through the community foundation. The workshops offer insight into the various fund types and unique grant cycles we provide. Individuals from current non-profits are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in participating in a workshop, email Bobby Rhea,

 Upcoming Workshops

Wednesday, March 19, 2025      10am - 12pm       Richland County Foundation Office
Tuesday, August 19, 2025         10am - 12pm       Richland County Foundation Office


Online resources to help you apply for a grant

Council on Foundations
A nonprofit membership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations. It strives to increase the effectiveness, stewardship, and accountability of the nonprofit sector while providing its members with the services and support they need to advance the common good.

Resources on volunteer management.

Foundation Center and Guidestar combined and continue their work by giving people the information they needed to do good.

Free Management Library
A site of extensive information about managing a nonprofit organization.

Grantmanship Center
Training in grant proposal writing.
Current federal government grants, state grants, city grants, local grants, foundation grants, corporation grants, educational grants, international grants, and grant resources.
The largest nonprofit job bank on the Internet.

A clearinghouse for links to websites on nonprofit information. You can search these links by topic or by keyword.

Internal Revenue Service
What you need to know if your organization plans to apply for tax exemption.