Generous Donors Make Richland Gives a Success - Richland County Foundation

Generous Donors Make Richland Gives a Success

By Maura Teynor

December 4, 2024

Richland Gives, an online giving event hosted by the Richland County Foundation, raised $804,938 via 1,666 donors to benefit 99 Richland County nonprofit organizations. Since its inception in 2015, Richland Gives has raised $3,795,331.

Richland Gives is designed to encourage people to contribute to local nonprofits they care about through a single giving website. The foundation hosted the day to build capacity, grow philanthropy and make the community stronger. It allows local organizations to raise funds and awareness as well as cultivate new donors and reinvigorate lapsed donors.

The Foundation awarded $80,000 in grants as prize incentives during the giving event. The nonprofit organizations with the most donors or raised the most dollars in the small, medium, and large nonprofit categories were awarded $5,000 for first place, $3,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place.  Nonprofits could win only one leaderboard prize.

The winners in the small nonprofit category for achieving the most donors were:
1 Visual Bucket List Foundation
2 Mansfield Noon Optimist Club
3 Mansfield Rotary Club

The winners in the small nonprofit category for achieving the most dollars were:
1 Taking Root Farms
2 Time for a Change Diaper Bank
3 Oak Hill Cottage

The winners in the medium nonprofit category for achieving the most donors were:
1 Humane Society of Richland County
2 North Central Ohio Land Conservancy
3 Habitat for Humanity or Richland and Crawford Counties

The winners in the medium nonprofit category for achieving the most dollars were:
1 Ohio Bird Sanctuary
2 Lucas Community Center
3 North Central State College Foundation

The winners in the large nonprofit category for achieving the most donors were:
1 St. Peter’s School
2 Richland Pregnancy Services
3 North End Community Improvement Collaborative

The winners in the large nonprofit category for achieving the most dollars were:
1 Discovery School
2 Friendly House
3 Mansfield Art Center

The first 10 organizations to raise $10,000 via 10 donors were awarded a $1,000 grant prize were: Discovery School, Taking Root Farms, Lucas Community Center, North Central State College Foundation, Visual Bucket List Foundation, North Central Ohio Land Conservancy, Mansfield Art Center, The New Store, St. Peter’s School and Humane Society of Richland County.

The organizations awarded grant prizes for raising either the most money or having the most donors during Golden Ticket hours were: Time for a Change Diaper Bank, Visual Bucket List Foundation, 4-Leaf Rover, Lucas Community Center (won two tickets), Ohio Bird Sanctuary, Renaissance Performing Arts, St. Peter’s School, Friendly House, Richland Pregnancy Services, Discovery School, and Taking Root Farms.

Nonprofits that raised at least $2,000 between Nov. 18 and Dec. 3 during early giving were entered into a random drawing for a chance to win a $250 grant prize. The winners were: North End Community Improvement Collaborative, Richland Academy of the Arts, Ohio State University Student Emergency Fund, North Central Ohio Land Conservancy, Richland Pregnancy Services, United Way of Richland County, Change Up Charity, and St. Peter’s School.

Peer-to-peer fundraiser pages that raised at least $250 were entered into a random pull prize to get their total raised matched by up to $1,000.  A page set up by Miriam Mandour was titled “Omari’s Wolfpack Read-A-Thon.”  The Discovery School will be awarded $760 for her efforts.

The Fab Freshman $500 award goes to the nonprofit that participated in Richland Gives for the first time and secured the most donors. The winner is the Music Academy of Karate and Empowerment.

Nonprofits that meet their match in full were entered into a random drawing prize to get their completed match value matched up to $1,000. The winners are North Central Ohio Land Conservancy, Nuhop Center for Experiential Learning, and the Domestic Violence Shelter. 

The Best Looking #RichlandGives page winner of $1,000 as judged by Mighty Cause employees was: Friendly House

A $500 grant prize was awarded by a random drawing for those who attended either the in-person kick-off event or an educational webinar. The winners are: The Visual Bucket List Foundation and The Starfish Project

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