The Mansfield Rising Plan is evolving - Richland County Foundation

The Mansfield Rising Plan is evolving

By Maura Teynor

February 15, 2024

(Photo: Nan McCartney, Sandy Messner, Jessica Hiser, Kris Beasley, Mario Davison, Orie Rush and Braxton Daniels.)

MANSFIELD – A group of ten people is heading to the South by Southwest Conference (SXSW) in Austin, TX in March to bolster the Mansfield Rising Plan. “We have an opportunity through an anonymous donor to send another cohort to SXSW. The goal is to strengthen and enhance the current Mansfield Rising team and plan,” said Richland County Foundation Senior Community Investment Officer Allie Watson.

The donor told Watson the results they’ve seen from the Mansfield Rising Plan are the best thing that has happened to downtown Mansfield in a very long time.

The people going to SXSW are:

Kris Beasley: Kris is a respected administrator at Mansfield Senior High School. He is working every day at the intersection of our city and its young adults.

Jennifer Beavis: Jennifer is the Mansfield Art Center Marketing Director. The MAC has shown renewed vigor and dedication to arts education and attracting top talent and shows to Mansfield.

Braxton Daniels: Braxton is the owner of the 3rd Cup of Tea. He is an established artist in the community and is a member of the Public Art Commission.

Mario Davison: Mario is the Finance Director for the North End Community Improvement Collaborative. He joined NECIC in 2019 as a Community Organizer to work in the community he loves and grew up in.

Jessica Hiser: Jessica is the Spherion Mid-Ohio Marketing and Advertising Director. She volunteers for several organizations including as a Downtown Mansfield Inc. Board Member.

Nan McCartney: Nan works downtown at K.E. McCartney & Associates as a graphic designer. She was instrumental in writing and developing a federal grant that was awarded to the City of Mansfield for the Main Street Upgrade project.

Sandy Messner: Sandy is the Richland Area Chamber of Commerce-Economic Development Director of Marketing & Communications. She is a leader for the Mansfield Rising Branding Project and is a Downtown Mansfield Inc. Board Member.

Orie Rush: Orie is a small business owner/entrepreneur, musician, and visual artist. He is part of a group that is working on the Do It Yourself Skatepark at Liberty Park.

Source Media Properties CEO Jay Allred and Downtown Mansfield Inc. Executive Director Jennifer Kime, both original Mansfield Rising members, will go to SXSW to guide the team. The group will research and develop new potential projects that fit within the Mansfield Rising plan and reflect the current reality of the city’s growth.

“The Mansfield Rising Plan has been an absolute honor to participate in and represent over the years. It’s had a visible impact, especially downtown. Perhaps more importantly, it’s developed and inspired young leaders who are shaping the future of Mansfield and Richland County.

We’re so excited to welcome this new group who will join the existing team in moving the plan forward and imagining new projects to tackle,” said Allred.

As in 2018, the group headed to Austin will work to bring the community along with them. They will produce blogs about their experiences while at SXSW for publication on Richland Source and participate in a podcast interview when they return to Mansfield. Residents will be able to follow their experiences on social media as well.

What is Mansfield Rising?

In 2018, the Richland County Foundation leadership took an unusual track to develop an investment strategy for downtown Mansfield. Instead of hiring a professional consulting firm, it had a citizen-led group create the plan. 

The Foundation turned regular citizens into consultants which gives depth and authenticity to the plan. It provides a road map for projects and opportunities for partnerships to continue the renaissance of Mansfield. The Foundation invested $1.2 million to execute the Mansfield Rising Plan. Read the Plan

Update on Mansfield Rising Projects  

~Upgrade the City’s Main Arteries
The City of Mansfield was awarded many grants to help fund the updated Main Street streetscape. Investing in Main Street is a high-priority action item in the Mansfield Rising Plan. The project will beautify Main Street, make it pedestrian friendly, and add new sidewalks, crosswalks, lighting, waterlines, and drainage systems. New brick crosswalks are designed to meet ADA requirements to improve visibility and safety. 

A suspended catenary lighting system will be installed over Main Street between 4th and 5th streets and a decorative ring light will be suspended over the mid-block crossings on Park Avenue between Main and Diamond Streets. 

Construction on Main Street will begin in 2025. 

The city converted Diamond Street to two-way traffic in 2021 and Mulberry Street in 2019. The changes will create a more walkable downtown.

~Wayfinding for Main Street
Downtown Mansfield Inc. was awarded a Foundation grant to fund the first phase of a community wayfinding project. Using the principles and guidance from the Mansfield Rising Plan, wayfinding along the Main Street corridor and throughout downtown will be incorporated. The wayfinding will integrate the new brand, highlight destinations, and promote downtown districts. It will be visually appealing and interact seamlessly with both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

~ Branding
A committee worked with a marketing firm to create a brand and message for Mansfield and Richland County. The Richland Area Chamber and Economic Development and Destination Mansfield – Richland County started using the new brand in their publications and advertising. The purpose of the branding project is to weave a powerful and positive story to raise awareness about why this is a great place to live, gather, and conduct business.

~ Public Art Project
The City of Mansfield in coordination with the Richland Community Development Group Art Sector created a Public Art Commission to vet projects. Public art projects were funded by various organizations with a 50% matching grant from the Richland County Foundation. Up to $50,000 in matching funds has been made available to create art in a variety of methods, including traditional painted murals, window art, as well as temporary and permanent public art on visible walls and surfaces.

~Create Downtown Living Spaces
Two grant opportunities are available for downtown building owners to improve their property for residential use. The License Plate Tax has funded a Vertical Development Grant through Downtown Mansfield, Inc. that will help property owners bring buildings up to code. Many downtown buildings are unoccupied on the upper floors because the plumbing, electrical service, or stairs need an upgrade. The second grant opportunity is to incentivize downtown property owners to renovate the upper floors for apartments or condominiums. 

~Improve the Look of Businesses in Downtown
The Downtown Mansfield, Inc. Facade Improvement Fund received additional grant funding from the Foundation and Mansfield City Council via the License Plate Fee. Building owners received matching grants to make improvements. The grants assist economic development and the rehabilitation of historic properties in downtown Mansfield.

 ~Linear Park

The Richland Community Development Group received a $25,000 AARP grant to create a pop-up linear park along West Third Street between Bowman and Mulberry Streets. The park called “Imagination Park on 3rd Street” was installed and up for a week in September of 2021. Various businesses and nonprofit organizations provided programming to engage and attract the public. The OhioHealth Foundation donated $100,000 towards a permanent linear park on West Third Street. That project is in the planning phase and is seeking additional funding. 

~Free Public Wi-Fi
The Downtown Improvement Board (License Plate Fee Committee) approved funding for free public Wi-Fi from Central Park to the Carrousel District as the first phase. The Wi-Fi is strong and working well in the most high-traffic areas of downtown. The City of Mansfield IT Department will plan for additional phases. This is the first step towards a Smart City Plan. 

~ Free Outdoor Movies: The Renaissance Theatre, Mansfield-Richland County Public Library, Little Buckeye Children’s Museum, and Idea+Works collaborated to show outdoor movies with funding from the Foundation.

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