Connections Fund of Richland County Foundation Awards Grant  - Richland County Foundation

Connections Fund of Richland County Foundation Awards Grant 

October 12, 2023

(Photo: Junior Achievement of North Central Ohio Advisory Committee accepts a grant from Connections Fund of Richland County Foundation. L to R:  Zach Motter, Bo Tokarski, Tyler Adams, Caroline Silverman, Josh Lehman, Lori McCleese, Connections Fund Chair Cassie Brumfield, Holly Dawson, Bethany Rachel, Christine Myers and Sandy Bauman.)

The Connections Fund of the Richland County Foundation announced this year’s grant during a brunch held recently at Kingwood Center Gardens. 

Junior Achievement of North Central Ohio received the 2023 Connections Fund grant for its program “Destination Career: Richland County.” The collaborative partnership between JANCO and LeaderRichland will provide in-class career exploration or financial literacy to 7th and 8th-grade students who stay at their home campus as their fellow classmates visit the Ohio State University at Mansfield and North Central State College campus. 

LeaderRichland is an annual event of Richland Community Development Group (RCDG). During the three-day event, students meet with area professionals in multiple career fields including trade skills, finance, services, healthcare, education, non-profits, and manufacturing. LeaderRichland encourages students to pursue careers and educational goals available locally. Each year this program rotates between boys and girls.

During the grant awards event, Connections Fund Advisory Committee Chairwoman Cassie Brumfield explained the fund’s redefined mission and the volunteer focus for 2024. 

The Connections Fund was established in 2004 and has granted close to $150,000 to the community. 


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