Free Outdoor Movies This Summer - Richland County Foundation

Enjoy Free Outdoor Movies This Summer

By Maura Teynor

May 10, 2022

Local residents can enjoy free family-friendly activities and outdoor movies this summer in downtown Mansfield. This is a Richland County Foundation Mansfield Rising project. Partners in the project are the Renaissance Theatre, Little Buckeye Children’s Museum, Mansfield Richland County Public Library, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and Idea Works.

Mark your calendars for the following movies: Hook on June 8, Wreck-It-Ralph on July 13, and Finding Nemo on August 10. The movies will be shown in the grassy area known as the plaza between the Renaissance Theatre and Theatre 166. Parking is located behind the theatre off Third Street.

Activities will begin at 7:30 p.m. and the movie at 8:30 p.m. In the event of rain, the movie will be shown inside the Renaissance Theatre.

The Little Buckeye Children’s Museum will set up its Imagination Stations, the library will bring its bookmobile and host a craft, Nationwide Children’s Hospital will set up an obstacle course, and Idea Works will line up at least one food truck per movie.

About the Mansfield Rising Project

In 2018, the Richland County Foundation leadership took an unusual track to develop an investment strategy for downtown Mansfield. Instead of hiring a professional consulting firm, it had a citizen-led group create the plan. 

The Foundation turned regular citizens into consultants which gives depth and authenticity to the plan. It provides a road map for projects and opportunities for partnerships to continue the renaissance of Mansfield.

The vision is for Mansfield to become an optimal place to conduct business, gather and live. This vision can be achieved through five key areas: effective land use, wayfinding, technical assistance for business, branding, and marketing, and safety.

The Guiding Principles of the plan are downtown is everyone’s neighborhood, big city amenities with a small-town feel, sustainable change happens incrementally and placemaking is economic development.

This is a plan for any organization, business, citizen, or group looking to get involved. To be successful, this must be a comprehensive effort.

Costs range from sweat equity to millions of dollars. The Foundation will continue to lead, convene, guide, and fund efforts that support this plan. It will be implemented at various speeds and through various organizations with a result of a better downtown. Read the Mansfield Rising Plan. Make a Donation to Mansfield Rising

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