Board Awards Over $300,000 in Grants - Richland County Foundation

Foundation Board of Trustees Awards Over $300,000 in Grants

August 14, 2019

(photo: Shelby Dowds Elementary School students enjoy reading books purchased with a Teacher Assistance Program grant last school year.)

The Richland County Foundation Board of Trustees approved $304,278 in grants to area nonprofit organizations during its August meeting.

The board reviewed the $52,561 education grants for the upcoming school year to local teachers for their creative or supplemental programs not covered by school funding. The grants were given to K-12 teachers in public and private Richland County schools to encourage them to develop new programs, projects, or events for their classrooms.

The following teachers received grants:

Clear Fork Valley Schools:

Jessica Wend               Microscopes and Science Supplies

Rich Hoover                 Ohio State Reformatory Field Trip

Rebecca Clapp            Classroom Library

Crestview Local Schools:

Dwight Souder            Aeronautics STEAM

Robin Dawson             DNA Kits

Christy Walter             Read, Explore, Write!

Lexington Local Schools:

Alyssa Crist                  Classroom Library

Lindsey Brokaw           Lego and Building Blocks

Cara Pelphrey             Science Discovery Bins

Madison Local Schools

Cheryl Belcher            Lego Simple Machines

Craig Green                 Music Sight Reading

Christine Elder            VEX Robotics

Heather Reynolds        Behavior Management and Social Skills

Mansfield Christian School:

Craig Klotzbach           Surface Water Research

Mansfield City Schools:

Carmen Egner             Math Supplies

Cynthia Colvin             Arts Integration

Heidi Payne                 Classroom Library

Janet Weithman          Scholastic News

Jennie Norman            Gizmo Subscription

Kathy Edwards            Time for Kids and Scholastic News

Kathy Kranch               Social Studies Resource Boxes

Maria Aivaliotis           On-Site History Field Trips

Melissa Vogt               STEM and Literacy Library

Nancy Niedermier      Family Engagement Packs

Sarah Schonauer         Rhyme Time Hot Spot Station

Sherry Vaught             Science Seasons

Stephanie Uhde          Soil Test Kits

Thomas Blike              International Buffet

Wendy Doup               Class Library/Science Centers

Whitney Glorioso        KEEP Books

Robin Burkhardt          Fractured Fairytales

Edward Golden           African American Culture Study Book

Kathleen Heilman       Spanish World Cultures Music and Dance Supplies

Susan Johnson             Museum in a Box

Mansfield St. Mary:

Holly VanDyne            Lego Makerspace

Mid-Ohio Education Service Center:

Chris Jones                  Building Connections and Teamwork

Julie Pfeifer                 Classroom Library

Ontario Local Schools:

Autumn Barry             Feather Friends

Natasha Jolin               Scholastic Short Reads

Mindy Leach               Rooted in Reading

Zack Canfield              STEM Bins

Pioneer and Career Technology Center:

Dan Foss                      Cyber Patriot XII Competition

Robin Hager                Street Law I and II

Plymouth-Shiloh Local Schools:

Nichole Carrier           Lego Robotic Kits

Richland School of Academic Arts:

Chelsey Talisse            Musical Instruments

Katelyn Mould             Social Studies Resource Boxes

Grace Larsen               Classroom Library

Kelsie Brooks               Maneuvering the Middle Math

Shelby City Schools:

Carol Mullett               Tower Garden

Callie Callender          Life Skills Activities     

Jami Gilger                  Math Workshop Manipulatives

Temple Christian School:

Betty Liebhart             Physical Education Supplies

Ed Snyder                    Woodshop Tools

Jenessa Jorgensen       Classroom Requests

Kimberly Running        Math Programs

Promise Robinson       Math Aids

Wendy Groff               Life Cycle of Chickens


The Board of Trustees approved grants from donor advised funds to meet emerging needs at the following organizations:

American Red Cross

Artis-Naples, FL

Avow Hospice, Naples, FL

Boy Scouts of America – Buckeye Council

Brown University

Catalyst Life Services

Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Conservancy of SW Florida

Discovery School

Downtown Mansfield Inc.

Emma Willard School

Florida Sheriff Association

Grace Episcopal Church, Mansfield

Judicial Watch, Inc.

Kingwood Center Gardens

Mansfield Art Center

Mansfield Memorial Homes

Mansfield Rotary Club foundation

North Central State College Foundation

North End Community Improvement Collaborative

OhioHealth Foundation

Ontario Local Schools

Raemelton Therapeutic Equestrian Center

Richland Community Development Group

Renaissance Theatre

Richland Veterans Mentor Program, Inc.

Rocky Mountain Repertory Theater

Salvation Army

St. Matthew’s House, Naples, FL

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