What if we all gave on the same day? - Richland County Foundation

What if we all gave on the same day?

By Maura Teynor

November 1, 2018

Close to 70 nonprofit organizations are participating in #RichlandGives this year. Last year a community of donors contributed over $200,000 on the day of giving.

Tracee Anderson of CACY said Richland Gives provide nonprofits a great opportunity.

Jean Taddie of North Central Ohio Land Conservancy helps the community.

Richland Gives is designed to encourage everyone to support local nonprofits they care about through a single giving platform/website. The Richland County Foundation is hosting the day to build capacity, grow philanthropy and make the community stronger.

 Thanks to the generosity of donors at the Richland County Foundation, $44,000 in incentives will be awarded as grants to nonprofit organizations participating in Richland Gives, beyond what they raised from online donations.

~1:1 matching grant of $1,000 to the first 25 nonprofit organizations that raise at least $1,000 online via the Richland Gives website.  

~$500 grants to the first (5) organizations that increased online donations by 30% compared to the previous year. To be eligible, a nonprofit must have raised at least $500 the previous year.

~ Six ($500) Golden Ticket hours between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

~Leader Board Winners: Small Nonprofit and Large Nonprofit Leader Boards are based on annual revenue of below or above $250,000.

  • 1st: $3,000
  • 2nd: $1500
  • 3rd: $500

Incentives will be awarded during the Nonprofit Showcase from 12-1:30 p.m. at OSU/NCSC Mansfield and the Leader Board Watch Party from 5-7 p.m. at Idea Works, 40 West Fourth Street, Mansfield.   

In addition, individual nonprofit organizations can offer a matching grant on their Richland Gives page as an incentive to donors by promising donations will be matched up to a certain amount.  The Mansfield Art Center has a $3,210 matching grant. 

You can give to your favorite nonprofit agency at richlandgives.org.

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