Protecting nature preserves is the mission of a new fund at the Foundation - Richland County Foundation

Protecting nature preserves is the mission of a new fund at the Foundation

March 30, 2018

The North Central Ohio Land Conservancy recently established a designated fund at the Foundation. The fund will generate annual support for the nonprofit organization, and it will benefit from the Foundation’s professional asset management.  

The NCOLC mission is to protect the natural heritage of the North Central Ohio area. It purchases land that is botanically significant and then dedicates it as a nature preserve, utilizing conservation easements.

NCOLC has been protecting the land since 1992 and now holds legal title or conservation easements on over 1,600 acres in, or near, Richland County.  Most of these preserves contain hiking trails that are open to the public.

With the help of many partners, in 2015 NCOLC opened the Clear Fork Valley Scenic Trail, an eight-mile hiking trail that runs from Butler to Malabar State Farm Park.  In 2016, NCOLC was accepted into The Old-Growth Forest Network in recognition of one of its woods along the trail, becoming just the 60th forest in 15 states to receive such an honor.

NCOLC has collaborated with many partners, including Richland Public Health, Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists, Boy Scouts and numerous volunteers, for community hikes and trail maintenance.

Key NCOLC trustees and advisors are Paul Knoop, Steve McKee, Eric S. Miller, Deborah L. Miller and Jean Taddie. 

The Land Conservancy relies on gifts and grants to acquire land. You can donate to the NCOLC Designated Fund online at or you can donate directly to the nonprofit by contacting Jean Taddie at  or 419-522-6262.


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