Donors support law enforcement 2X - Richland County Foundation

Donors support law enforcement 2X

By Maura Teynor

March 2, 2018

Merris and Jean Welge are behind local law enforcement 100%.  To help support police officers in our community they have established two designated funds, one for the Ontario Police Department and one for the Mansfield Police Department.

“Jean and I worked on the Ontario Police Department Fund first and thought we should do one for Mansfield. I worked in Mansfield for years in the banking industry and the local police helped us with many things.

“Hopefully what we do today will be create opportunity for other people to donate and support local law enforcement,” said Merris.

The first project to receive support from the Ontario Police Department Fund was a memorial to law enforcement in front of Ontario City Hall.

The second fund was established to fund projects at the Mansfield Police Department.

“I am very humble and grateful that you would think about setting up a fund to help the Mansfield Police Department. What you have done will help the local police forever,” said Mansfield Chief of Police Kenneth Coontz.

Merris and Jean said police are an integral part of our society and it is important to recognize, respect and support the police.

People in the community are welcome to make a tax deductible donation to either the Mansfield or Ontario Police Funds online at or by check written to the Richland County Foundation and specify the fund on the memo line. 


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