#RichlandGives Spotlight: Ohio Bird Sanctuary - Richland County Foundation

#RichlandGives Spotlight: Ohio Bird Sanctuary

November 18, 2017

The Ohio Bird Sanctuary is a 90-acre preserve located on the headwaters of the Clear Fork Reservoir. The Sanctuary is a resource for the local community and all of Ohio residents to seek care for injured and orphaned birds of prey and songbirds

The Sanctuary’s  90 acres includes a clinic and flight compound for rehabilitating birds, a visitors center, and outdoor displays housing over 60 nonreleasable birds ranging from chickadees to Bald Eagles and over four miles of trails.

The Sanctuary is a place that individuals can enjoy a quiet moment, explore with children and family members and reconnect with the natural world.

Support received from Richland Gives has provided funding to build a new enclosure for our educational collection and provide funding to assist our Junior Naturalist to attend ecological workshops on Lake Erie. In 2018, OBS will add an enclosure for an Osprey and open the new  Nature Scape area for children. This area will have elements that will use gross motor skills and encourage problem-solving, imagination and exploration.

The Sanctuary continues to grow each year to serve the needs of the community and create a sustainable organization.


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