#RichlandGives Spotlight: Mansfield Aviation Club - Richland County Foundation

#RichlandGives Spotlight: Mansfield Aviation Club

November 13, 2017

The Mansfield Aviation Club (MAC), established in 1949, is pleased to announce that it has been designated as a 501 c (3) organization and is now able to fulfill a key part of its purpose, that being “to provide aviation scholarships for others to learn to fly.” 

The ability for MAC to offer Aviation Scholarships was given a kick start when one of our members provided a generous donation that has established the fund which will be managed by the Richland County Foundation to resource this effort. 

Throughout its history, the Mansfield Lahm Airport has served our community by being one of the finest general aviation airports in our state. However, in recent years, as the cost of flying has become more expensive, many who had the dream to become a pilot may have found it beyond their financial means. It is our hope that these scholarships will enable some of those individuals in the Richland area the opportunity to fulfill their dream and keep general aviation in our community vibrant into the future. 

For 2017, the Mansfield Aviation Club (MAC) David Weyhmeller of Mansfield received our first Aviation Scholarship of $750.00 to be used for flight training. David is a graduate of Clear Fork High School and received his college degree from North Central State College in Engineering Technology.  He is employed by Ohio Edison and is an Electrical Power Production Supervisor with the Ohio Air National Guard.  He has been training in a Cessna 172. His goal is to become a military pilot and fly the C-130. 

Helping to ensure a bright future for our airport is a primary focus of the Aviation Club, and providing scholarships that enable future pilots to obtain training supports that goal. 

The application process to apply for our 2018 Aviation Scholarship is open from January 1st through March 31st, 2018. The formal process to apply for a MAC Aviation Scholarship will be available on the Richland County Foundation website: 


For those who love aviation and want to support this effort, tax-deductible donations can be made to the MAC Aviation Scholarship Fund through the Richland County Foundation web site: http://bit.ly/2AG6Di

MAC is participating in Richland Gives, donate here http://bit.ly/2yWD6Eb

For questions concerning the MAC Aviation Scholarship program, contact Richard Green, MAC Aviation Scholarship Administrator at 419-512-0470.    

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