#RichlandGives Spotlight: Humane Society - Richland County Foundation

#RichlandGives Spotlight: Humane Society

November 9, 2017

On October 11, humane agents of the Humane Society of Richland County responded to a report of a neglected dog at a residence in Mansfield. Upon arrival, they found a young, emaciated mixed-breed female dog living outside in a small kennel filled with urine and feces. Although the owner claimed she was being well cared for, the conditions the agents saw suggested otherwise. Upon gaining possession of the dog, the humane agents took her to the shelter, where she was bathed and fed and put in a safe place. One week later, this precious dog (now named Lydia D.) is already gaining weight and showing signs of trust. Eventually, some lucky family will adopt her, and as a result, will have an amazing pet and companion. 

Sadly, situations like this are not uncommon.  In fact, in any given year, the Humane Society of Richland County handles an average of 1,000 cases of animal abandonment, neglect, or abuse. And while it appears that this is a helpless situation, the good news is that the shelter has caring and compassionate individuals who are skilled and eager to do the work required to make these animals healthy and adoptable.  With the community’s support, cases like this (as well as countless others) are able to be handled, allowing for the possibility of happy endings for these animals.

The Humane Society of Richland County is a 501c3 non-profit animal shelter, located in Ontario and serving all of Richland County. The purpose of HSRC is to respond to and resolve issues of animal neglect, cruelty or abandonment. Our mission is to provide humane treatment to these animals, as well as educate the public on the importance of respectful treatment and responsible pet ownership. In addition to providing food, shelter, vaccinations and needed veterinary care to the animals in our shelter, the Humane Society provides the human contact and caring hands to animals who have likely never experienced affectionate treatment in their lives. 

Because our efforts to help these animals never goes away, the need for funding never goes away either. It is ongoing.  There is never an opportunity to say “we have enough.”  The money we raise is used to take care of the animals in need, and unfortunately, the need still exists.  Unless and until there are no abandoned, neglected and abused animals, there will always be a need for our services.  

The Richland Gives campaign has been an incredible resource to not only bring vital funds to the shelter but to get the word out to the community about who we are what we provide. Because we are not affiliated with the Humane Society of the United States and we receive no government funding, we really rely on the generosity of the public to support us and “get the word out.”  Quite simply, we need the community’s support to remain in existence. 

The Humane Society of Richland County is not only committed to providing humane treatment to animals but is also focused on educating the community we serve. We are currently working to expand educational opportunities in the community, and provide classes to the public on pet parenting and animal care.  Because awareness begins at an early age, we are working with area schools to communicate with school-age children about the responsibilities of pet ownership, and how to properly care for animals.

 Moving forward, HSRC is also looking to expand opportunities for low-cost spay and neuter services to the population in need. Because overpopulation of animals is something that plagues every shelter and community, we understand the need to provide services to people who may not be able to otherwise afford them. Overpopulation has been an ongoing issue in the area, and reducing that will inevitably decrease the number of cases we need to handle in the future. 

Humane Society of Richland County has a lot to offer the community, and our existence is a testament to the commitment and compassion of the people of Richland County. With the continued support of the community, HSRC will continue to provide these vital services well into the future. 

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