#RichlandGives Featured Nonprofit - Richland County Foundation

#RichlandGives Spotlight: Buckeye Council, Boy Scouts of America

October 25, 2017

Success in life often comes down to making the best of any situation. Scouting hands youth situations, and shows them how to make the best of them.  It shows them how to build their own shelter in a hailstorm so they will know how to build a solid life afterward.  Whether it’s through navigating the world of computer programming, gathering food donations, or figuring out how to lead a group through the woods with a map and compass, Scouting helps youth realize what they’re truly capable of doing.

Since 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has helped build the future leaders of this country, from astronauts to schoolteachers.  Today, with over 2.4 million youth members and 1 million adult volunteers, Scouting is one of the most influential youth organizations in the country. 

Our local Boy Scout Council, the Buckeye Council, began in 1958 and serves more than 13,000 members in Richland, Ashland, Crawford, Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Marion, Morrow, Stark, Tuscarawas, Wayne, and Wyandot counties in Ohio and parts of Hancock County in West Virginia. Over 3,500 adult volunteers serve in our council. Our Scouts give back to the community through service projects. 26,131 hours of community service were accumulated in Eagle Scout projects last year.

Scouting has influenced the lives of youth in our local area since the first troop was formed in Richland County in 1912. Local Scouts have gone on to be doctors, lawyers, community leaders, city councilmen, mayors, State Representatives, and U.S. Senators. We have an office and Scout store in Mansfield to serve our local Scouting families. Our main office is located in Canton.

Locally, 637 youth are active in Scouting in 14 Cub Scout Packs, 13 Boy Scout Troops, 1 Venturing Crew, and 2 Explorer Posts in Richland County. Many of those youth participated in Cub Day Camp, Webelos Resident Camp, the Cub Scout Family Adventure Camp, and a week-long summer camp experience. During the week-long camp, the Scouts earned countless merit badges. They learned about nuclear science, space exploration, along with fishing, swimming, shooting, lifesaving, geocaching, emergency preparedness, etc. They also had the opportunity to learn about the recent Solar Eclipse.

Investing in the Boy Scouts of America creates opportunities for youth to gain memorable experiences and be instilled with values, principles, and skills that will help them develop into the future leaders of our nation. By contributing to Scouting, you will have a profound impact on America. More youth will experience the program that will further instill values and character in their moral fiber. 

Richland Gives, an online day of giving, is set for November 28. This day is designed to encourage everyone to contribute to local nonprofits they care about through a single giving website. The local Boy Scouts have participated in Richland Gives for the past two years. 

Support provided to our local Boy Scout council has been and will continue to be used for scholarships, program supplies for youth activities, volunteer training, and camp and service center maintenance.

We would like to raise $5,000 in 12 hours (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) to support Scouting in the Heart of Ohio Council.  Help us make a real difference in the lives of tomorrow’s leaders. Please consider making a donation to the local Boy Scouts through Richland Gives on November 28.

When you support Scouting and the Buckeye Council through Richland Gives, you’re helping to build the leaders of tomorrow.

Through your support of Scouting in the Buckeye Council through Richland Gives, you help young people grow to become citizens who are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. Thank you!


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