Community Building Highlighted During Annual Meeting - Richland County Foundation

Community Building Highlighted During Annual Meeting

By Maura Teynor

May 2, 2017

Pictured is Foundation President Brady Groves

Community building was the topic of the Richland County Foundation Annual Meeting held May 1 at the Mid-Ohio Education Center.

Over 100 people attended to hear messages from Foundation President Brady Groves and Linden Road Presbyterian Lead Pastor Tom Roepke. Both men talked about the need to work together to improve the community.   

Groves reported the Foundation’s assets were $145,766,085, with $4,008,576 in grants awarded during 2016.  2016 Annual Report

Foundation donors continue to be most passionate about supporting education with grants totaling $1,027,867. Other sectors receiving grants last year were community development grants $725,167; children, families and youth $676,954; arts and culture $572,302; human services $354,630; economic development $304,052; health services $228,094; health services $228,094; churches $69,110 and environment $50,400.

 Jana Mulherin, co-owner of Dairy Queen, was approved as a new board member during the meeting.

Sam VanCura and Cathy Stimpert completed three, three-year terms and were recognized for their dedicated service to the board of trustees and the community.

Chairman Beth DeLaney, Chair-Elect Glenna Plotts, and Treasurer Justin Marotta will serve another year as officers. Bruce Cummins was elected to be incoming secretary to replace VanCura.  


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