Summertime programs receive funding - Richland County Foundation

Summertime programs for children receive funding

By Maura Teynor

April 11, 2017

The Richland County Foundation is supporting summertime programs focused on children.  A committee of Foundation Board of Trustees and community members awarded 20 grants totaling $39,416. The grants of up to $2,500 were given to support creative, educational and fun-filled activities for hundreds of Richland County children.  

The following grants were approved:

Blue Rose Mission, Property Maintenance-Skill Building                                       

Catalyst Life Services, Do It Deaf Camp Collaboration                                                   

City of Mansfield, Hooked on Fishing                                                                          

Culliver Reading Center, STEAM Field Trip & Activities                                                       

Friendly House Association, Friendly House Summer Fun                                   

Harmony House, Educational and Recreational Activities                                                    

Hospice of NCO, Grief Camp                                       

Mankind Murals, Inc., Mansfield Schools Mural                                         

North Central Ohio Soap Box Derby, Derby Cars                                                                     

Ohio Bird Sanctuary, Summer Fun                                                                                     

City of Ontario, Summer Rec                                                                   

Renaissance Performing Arts, Theater Camp                                                                                  

Salvation Army, Dewald Community Center STEAM                                         

Shelby Church of the Nazarene, K-City Day Camp                                                                        

Shelby Local Schools, Camp Invention

Shelby Local Schools, Shelby Safety Town

UMADAOP, Cooking Camp

Funded by Field of Interest Funds 

Independent Living Center, Day for Youth with Disabilities                                                   

Little Buckeye Children’s Museum, Developmental Play with Therapists                             

Richland Newhope, Summer Campership                               

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