What Happened to Civility? - Richland County Foundation

What Happened to Civility?

By Maura Teynor

January 3, 2017

The Women’s Fund of the Richland County Foundation will host a roundtable discussion entitled “What Happened to Civility?”

Women’s Fund Chair and OSU Mansfield Lecturer Paula Cohen will facilitate the discussion and help individuals develop a three-point plan to become part of the solution Wednesday, January 25 at 7 p.m. at the Foundation, 181 South Main Street, Mansfield.

The Women’s Fund of the Richland County Foundation recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Since its inception, the fund has awarded over $307,000 in grants including 29 scholarships to non-traditional female undergraduate students attending area colleges.

The endowed fund was created in 1996 to promote philanthropy among women and to provide funding to programs to empower women and girls.

The workshop is free but seating is limited. RSVP to Stacie Shoemaker sshoemaker@rcfoundation.org or 419-525-3020.

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