Run for unity. Race for prevention. - Richland County Foundation

Run for unity. Race for prevention.

August 29, 2016

You have a chance to help address the drug abuse epidemic in our community by participating or donating to the Spherion Mid Ohio 13ER. The half marathon and 5-K race will be held Saturday, September 3 in downtown Mansfield.

You can register at

Proceeds from the event go to the Mid Ohio Drug Prevention Coalition Fund at the Richland County Foundation. The fund makes grants to community organizations and programs that actively participate in drug abuse prevention.

According to the website, “the Spherion Mid Ohio 13ER brings light to organizations that are actively involved in drug prevention locally and starts conversations for drug prevention in our communities. Developed and organized by The Drug Prevention Coalition, the purpose of the half marathon is to gather the community in prevention and support with a mission to give back to the community.

We know there is a drug problem in our nation, our state and our communities. We are not looking for one simple answer to the drug problem, but a movement.

By gathering as a community to run for unity, community organizations can benefit from The Drug Prevention Coalition Grant in a race for prevention.

Our local organizations have great ideas and programs already in place. The Drug Prevention Coalition is an avenue of funds to continue to grow, sustain and create programs that actively support drug prevention locally.”

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