School establishes an endowed fund to continue its mission - Richland County Foundation

School establishes an endowed fund to continue its mission

February 29, 2016

(Dr. Cy Smith, Mansfield Christian School Superintendent)

For 55 years, Mansfield Christian School has been a steadfast leader in Christian education. The school boasts over 2,000 alumni whose education was based on a Christian worldview.

Today the school, located on Logan Road in Mansfield, is ranked as “One of the 50 Best Christian High Schools in America” by the

In order to continue its mission of teaching the next generation with a Biblical philosophy, the school recently established an endowed agency fund with a $10,000 gift to the Richland County Foundation.

MCS Superintendent Dr. Cy Smith  said the school is excited to work with the Foundation through a local fund for the first time.  He wants philanthropists to know that Mansfield Christian School offers a quality education and is a good investment.

 “It was time for Mansfield Christian School to partner with the Foundation in order to have a greater impact in the community as well as become a greater asset for local families.”

“It is an opportunity for us to be even more involved and to expose local businesses to our students and our mission,” said Dr. Smith.

Enrollment decreased at area private schools when the 2008 recession hit and the Ontario General Motors plant closed. Since 2014 enrollment at MCS has increased by about 20 students each year.

During the recession, tuition costs were never decreased but were incrementally increased to reflect the value of the education provided.  

Additionally, in order to become financially stronger, MCS made strategic cuts. The school is realizing the benefits of its fiscal responsibility, is back in the black, and now able to invest in a fund at the Foundation.

Because enrollment is trending upward, Dr. Smith said the new endowed fund will help capitalize on that momentum.

More about Mansfield Christian School:

Mansfield Christian School began as a vision of a small group of people in 1961. The school started in the lower level of Marion Avenue Grace Brethren Church with 35 students and three faculty members. For a little over two years, the school operated at this location. These first parents and staff members held to the conviction that parents were given the responsibility by God to teach and train their children.

In 1963, the school received a gift of 40 acres on Logan Road. The first building was constructed and the school moved into the new facility. In subsequent years, the school experienced four building expansions that included additional classrooms, a gymnasium, athletic fields, and radio station WVMC. In 1972, 19 students represented the first class to graduate. 

MCS soon received its charter from the State of Ohio, became an accredited member of the Association of Christian Schools International, earned accreditation through AdvancEd, joined the Ohio High School Athletic Association, and obtained federal licensure for its radio station from the FCC.

Students can be a part of the pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade program by being on campus five days a week or educated through the independent studies program (home schooled).

Today, unaffiliated with a church or denomination, the school currently employs about 75 faculty and staff members and has an enrollment of 545 students.  Dr. Smith, an alumnus of MCS, has been at the school for 24 years and can be reached at 419-756-5651, ext. 218, or

You can donate to this fund online at or by writing a check to the RCF with the fund noted in the memo line.


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