Connections Fund awards grants to local nonprofit organizations - Richland County Foundation

Connections Fund awards grants to local nonprofit organizations

February 1, 2016

Pictured: Foundation President Brady Groves and Connections Fund Co-Chairs Krista Schmidt and Carrie Fanello.

The Connections Fund announced its 2016 grant recipients during its Winter Reception January 29 at the Renaissance Theatre. Five grants totaling more than $6,000 were awarded to the following Richland County nonprofit organizations.  

Catalyst Life Services to purchase smoke and carbon monoxide alarms outfitted with strobe lights to help notify local deaf and or hard-of-hearing residents of an emergency in their homes.

Ontario School District Substance Abuse Prevention program to purchase an iPad and digital camera.  The equipment will be used for video production and social media communication.

Heart of Ohio, Boy Scouts of America to fund an after-school scouting program at Woodland Elementary School and the Friendly House.

United Way of Richland County to fund a program at Community Action for Capable Youth.

Richland Community Development Group Beautification Sector to purchase flowers for downtown Mansfield planters.

Since 2005 the Connections Fund has awarded close to $63,000 to nonprofit organizations in Richland County.

The mission of the Connections Fund of the Richland County Foundation is to foster and retain leaders and professionals in Richland County and to promote a philanthropic identity and involvement in the community. 

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