Children benefit from special summertime grants - Richland County Foundation

Children benefit from special summertime grants

August 14, 2015

The Foundation awarded $29,183 to 16 local nonprofit organizations for Summertime Kids programs. Grants of up to $2,500 support creative, educational and fun-filled summer activities for hundreds of Richland County children each year.

Pictured here are children who participated in the Mansfield Y "Serving Up Summer" program. Children received a grocery bag for the past nine Fridays filled with fresh produce from the YMCA garden as well as nutritious snacks, cereal and other non-perishable food items to ensure no child goes hungry over the weekend.

Here are the other programs funded by a Summertime Kids grant:

City of Mansfield, Hooked on Fishing – Not on Drugs

Domestic Violence Shelter, Summertime Fun

First English Lutheran Church, FELCDS Summer Camp

Friendly House Association, Summer Fun Program

Harmony House Homeless Services, Kids Vacation

Hospice of North Central Ohio, KIDSCENE

Little Buckeye Children’s Museum, Access to All

Mansfield UMADAOP, Popcorn Movie Series

Mohican School in the Out-of-Doors, Connecting with Nature

Ohio Bird Sanctuary, Friendly House Nature Camp

Renaissance Performing Arts, Camp Broadway

Salvation Army Dewald Center, Summer Zone 2015 Space Explorers

Shelby Church of the Nazarene, Challenge with a Twist


Two summertime programs were funded from field of interest funds:

Raemelton Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Abilities Rising Camp

Richland Newhope, Summer Campership Program                                                                                

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