Teacher Assistance Program Grant applications due - Richland County Foundation

Teacher Assistance Program Grant applications due July 10

June 2, 2015

Teacher Assistance Program (TAP) grants are selected by a community committee for creative and innovative supplemental programs not covered by school funding.

The grants, up to $1,500 each, are given to K-12 teachers in public or private Richland County schools to encourage them to develop new programs for their classrooms.

A Grant Writing Workshop will be held June 10 from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Richland County Foundation, 181 South Main Street, Mansfield.

The deadline to apply for a TAP grant is July 10. 

For more information call Program Officer Allie Watson at 419-525-3020 or email her at awatson@rcfoundation.org.

Click here for grant application information.

One of this past school year’s TAP grants was awarded to Lexington Central Elementary School for its Birds of a Feather program.


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