Osborn Meese Academy created to support area non pofit agencies - Richland County Foundation

Osborne Meese Academy created to support area nonpofit agencies

November 9, 2014

Foundation Board of Trustees approved $96,450 to establish a nonprofit capacity building and support program to serve as an informational resource and act as a catalyst to encourage stronger collaboration in the community during its October board meeting.

The new initiative was named the Osborne Meese Academy to honor the Foundation's founding father.

The idea for a nonprofit capacity building program was the result of a community meeting hosted by the Foundation in March followed by a Board of Trustees retreat. Additional meetings and a survey were conducted by the Foundation to discover local nonprofit agency support needs.

Local foundation staff visited and gathered information on best practices from other foundations in Ohio with nonprofit capacity building programs.

Foundation President Bradford Groves said, "This is a perfect way to recognize the work done by Osborne Meese. He believed in and was passionate about this community. It is not just about what can be done today, it's about helping agencies fulfill their mission and to improve over time to positively impact people."

The Osborne Meese Academy encompasses three key components: education, professional support and grant writing assistance.

Half-day educational workshops will be held January through November at the new home of the Foundation, 181 South Main Street. Topics such as developing a marketing and fundraising plan, engaging in collaborations and grant writing, building an effective board and identifying outcomes and measures will be explored.

Each nonprofit agency can bring two staff or board members to each session. The annual fee is $250 with the potential for financial assistance available.

Twenty nonprofit agencies will be accepted for 2015. Osborne Meese Academy applications are due December 12. For additional information call 419-525-3020.

Who was Osborne Meese?





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